Do you wish your colleagues start thinking green? The plant kind of green, not the paper kind?

It may seem like a mammoth task, but if you break it down, it’s not that difficult to cut the plastic waste in an office. And it starts with the mind, with every new hire.

Here are five ways to cut plastic in the office (and no, it does not include throwing out the computer) and not just in jumps and starts.

  1. When a new hire enters the office, impress upon them the importance of sustainability. Gifting sustainable new hire kits is a great start!
  2. Ban small plastic bottles. If it seems undoable, think again. When one door closes, people explore others. Mini bottles are the worst offenders.
  3. Swap out your office stationery for more sustainable ones. Cloth folders, pencils (especially seed pencils), bamboo pens, and marbled paper desk accessories are great alternatives.

  4. Print less. Most offices have a print-only-when-required policy in place. Encourage double-sided printing where possible. Binding empty one-side printed sheets into a notepad can be very effective in minimizing paper use.

  5. Encourage green desk décor and accessories: If employees green up their desks, give them a reward! The greenest desk can receive a gift coupon or reward.

Can you think of any other steps that offices can take, to encourage employees to start thinking about sustainability?

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